Remember this post?
And now...
Alhamdulillah, buat kesekian kalinya pergi ke KLIBF, after 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016..........~
Tak banyak berubah btw...:'(
But comes 2017,
KLIBF 2017 with my bestfriend, my star, my love, my wife.... :)
Lots of things had changed and yet we survived.
-3/5/2011- -18/5/2017 -
-3.05a.m.- - 2.19 a.m. -
But comes 2017,
KLIBF 2017 with my bestfriend, my star, my love, my wife.... :)
Lots of things had changed and yet we survived.
Aku kesesatan ditemani makhluk-Nya yang paling indah, terima kasih ya Allah...